March 07, 2016

ABA Staff Discuss MOCA 2.0 in ABMS Videos

Mary Post, Executive Director of Administrative Affairs and Ann Harman, Chief Assessment Officer at the ABA recently sat down with the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) to discuss the work that went into creating MOCA 2.0® and the Board’s innovative approach to assessment. MOCA 2.0, which was launched in January 2016, leverages advances in technology and best practices in adult learning theory to help keep medical knowledge up to date.

Post and Harman discuss the innovations behind the redesigned program, including the use of repeated retrieval and space repetition to promote continuous learning for anesthesiologists.

MOCA 2.0 is highlighted by MOCA Minute®, an interactive learning tool the ABA began piloting in 2014 that consists of multiple-choice questions like those typically presented on MOCA exams. MOCA Minute is being piloted to replace the MOCA exam in MOCA 2.0.

Follow the links below to view the full videos.

Mary Post:

Ann Harman: