2017 MOCA 2.0® End-of-Year Survey Results Similar to 2016
MOCA Minute ® continues to be popular
4/20/18 – We surveyed more than 24,000 diplomates in 2017 to gauge whether their impressions of MOCA 2.0® were changing. We received 4,291 responses (18%) and more than 7,000 comments. Here is a summary of what we learned.
Sixty percent of respondents reported that they somewhat or completely understand the MOCA program components, a 9% increase since 2016. Last year, we sent customized MOCA 2.0 progress reports to all diplomates, providing information about the status of outstanding requirements. We plan to do the same this year, particularly for diplomates whose certificates expire in 2018.
Twenty-five percent of respondents said they use the new CME Explorer, which launched last August. The CME Explorer helps diplomates find relevant activities that they can complete for MOCA credit. It provides a Google-like search box you may use to look for relevant courses. You can get to it by clicking the “CME Explorer” link in the menu under MOCA in your portal account or through your MOCA Minute Knowledge Gaps Report, which lists available CME related to incorrectly answered questions.
Seventy-seven percent of respondents said MOCA Minute® is serving them somewhat or very well as an assessment tool, up 3% over last year. Diplomates said MOCA Minute could be even more valuable if we allowed them to answer more than 30 questions per quarter, and added different question types and more time to answer questions. Respondents also said it would be helpful if the question history, which diplomates can link to via the Part 3 (MOCA Minute) section of their MOCA progress report, were more visible.
Sixty-nine percent of respondents said they refer to their MOCA Minute question history “very often” or “sometimes, but not often,” compared to 58% last year. Your question history provides you with the last 120 questions you’ve answered, including the critique, links to learning resources and the data on aggregate diplomate performance on each question.
More diplomates (33%) somewhat or completely understand the implications of not meeting the MOCA Minute performance standard, up 8% over last year. Diplomates can review their performance in the Part 3 section of their progress report in their portal accounts. This section of the report features your MDT performance value or p-value. It also provides a link to your Knowledge Gaps Report, which lists questions answered incorrectly and links to the question history, related CME and learning resources to help you enhance your knowledge.
The Quality Improvement (QI) or Part 4 component continues to frustrate diplomates. Thirty-seven percent of respondents haven’t done an activity yet. However, among those who did, 40% said the QI options help them demonstrate that they are participating in evaluations of their clinical practice and in practice improvement activities. Nearly the same proportion of diplomates were neutral on this question. The sentiment reported in 2017 for these questions is the same as what diplomates reported in 2016.
Respondents suggested in their comments that the QI component continues to be a challenge, particularly for private practitioners.
Diplomates are still learning about the new program features – the Knowledge Gaps Report, CME Explorer and Personal Portfolio – based on the survey results. Fifty-seven percent of respondents said the Knowledge Gaps Report was helpful, but nearly 40% said they had not seen it yet. The report is always available in your portal account. You can find information on all new features on our website, but you can also call us at 866-999-7501 to have someone walk you through them.
In general, diplomates told us that they value board certification and that we are listening and acting on their feedback. Insights that we glean from the survey continue to seed conversations about the future direction of the program. We will keep you informed as these conversations progress.
If you have any questions, please contact our Communications Center at (866) 999-7501 or via email at coms@theABA.org for assistance Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST.