Continue Certification

MOCA patient safety CME courses

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The ABA-approved patient safety CME requirement is 20 CME credits during a diplomates’ 10-year Maintenance of Certification in Anesthesiology (MOCA) program cycle. These 20 patient safety credits count toward the total 250 CME credits needed by year 10. Please follow the below instructions to access ABA-approved patient safety courses through each site.



  1. Click
    (The link above is automatically filtered to only include ABA CMEs.)
  2. Next click the following under ”Apply selected filter(s)” the following.
    1. ”MOC Credit Types” and select “Patient Safety (ABA)”.
    2. “Registration” and select “Open to all”
    3. Then click “Apply selected filter(s)” to adjust the information.



ORBIT CME (jointly provided by Tufts University School of Medicine)

  1. Click
  2. Orbit CME offers a one-month free trial; several paid subscription tiers after first month.
  3. Install the Orbit App on your iPhone or iPad or install Orbit plugin on your Chrome desktop browser.
  4. Review the latest abstracts or articles via PubMed (free) related to patient safety.
  5. Earn 0.5 credits for each 3-step cycle completed in conjunction with an abstract or article.
  6. Email for assistance.