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MOCA QI Activities

Choose activities from the list below to earn 25 points every five years.

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Beginning in 2021, you no longer need to upload templates or documentation in your portal account. When you have completed 25 points of QI activities, you can attest to having completed the activities in your ABA Go account. Your attestation is subject to audit. Documentation may be requested if you are audited. ASA will report completion of its activities to us. If you have questions about whether an activity is eligible for credit, email us at


MOCA simulation course at an ASA-endorsed simulation center (View Centers) and course follow-up materials.

  • The follow-up materials must be completed to receive 25 points.
  • At least one instructor must be an ABA diplomate participating in MOCA.

Points per hour: 3

Max points in 5 years: 25



Other on-site simulation course – Realistically replicates clinical scenarios that participants can work through in a manner like what they may experience in clinical practice.

  • At least one instructor must be an ABA diplomate participating in MOCA.

Points per hour: 1

Max points in 5 years: 15



Online simulation – Realistically replicates clinical scenarios online.

  • ASA Anesthesia SimSTAT (up to 5 points per module; only get credit for the same SimSTAT course once in a three-year period).
  • VHA DAARC (1.5 points) Create an account and search for ID number: 1108258. Paste the link in your Google Chrome browser. The ABIM MOC ID field is not required. Leave it blank and continue through the prompts. Email for Help.

Points per hour: 1

Max points in 5 years: 25



Other ABMS Member Board QI Activities – Report credit you received from another ABMS Board you are certified by

Points per hour: 1

Max points in 5 years: 25



Institutional/departmental quality improvement project leader – Initiate and/or guide the work of a team and serve as the key contact responsible for communicating with team members, stakeholders, and the ABA.

Points per hour: 1

Max points in 5 years: 25



Quality improvement plan to improve patient outcomes based on feedback from one of the following:

  • Quality data registries
  • Joint Commission’s Focused Professional Practice Evaluation (FPPE) process
  • Joint Commission’s Ongoing Professional Practice Evaluation (OPPE) process
  • 360 professional reviews
  • Patient experience of care surveys
  • ASA courses available on the ASA website. Search for Quality Improvement and Problem-Based Learning Discussion (PLBD)
  • ACGME Program Evaluation and Improvement

Points per hour: 1

Max points in 5 years: 25



Clinical pathway development leader – Organize and guide development of structured multidisciplinary care plans to inform clinical practice based upon evidence-based guidelines while optimizing efficiency; serve as key contact responsible for communication with clinicians and administrative staff.

Points per hour: 1

Max points in 5 years: 25



Clinical pathway development participant – Contribute to the development of structured multidisciplinary care plans to inform clinical practice based upon evidence-based guidelines while optimizing efficiency.

Points per hour: 1

Max points in 5 years: 15



ABMS Multi-Specialty Portfolio Program leader – Individual healthcare organizations can apply and gain approval for administering group quality improvement activities.

Points per hour: 1

Max points in 5 years: 25



ABMS Multi-Specialty Portfolio Program participants – Individual healthcare organizations can apply and gain approval for administering group quality improvement activities

Points per hour: 1

Max points in 5 years: 20



Multicenter Perioperative Outcomes Group (MPOG): ASPIRE provider feedback emails – Practitioners at an active MPOG site can receive a monthly performance feedback email from ASPIRE to review their personal performance on quality measures to direct practice improvements. Become an MPOG Member.

Points per hour: 1

Max points in 5 years: 25



Case evaluation, M&M, case discussion or practice improvement CME

  • Case evaluation – assess your practice and implement changes designed to improve patient outcomes
  • Morbidity & Mortality (M&M) – peer review of adverse (or potentially adverse) patient outcomes to learn and prevent the incidence of future errors or complications
  • Case discussion – peer review discussion of a unique case or issue
  • Practice improvement CME – evidence-based performance measures and QI interventions are used to identify areas of improvement in patient care

Points per hour: 1

Max points in 5 years: 15



Point-of-care learning – Self-directed knowledge acquired during patient care (i.e.., researching cases and outcomes)

Points per hour: 1

Max points in 5 years: 15



Point-of-Care Ultrasound Certificate Program (1 point per hour up to 10 points)

Points per hour: 1

Max points in 5 years: 10



AQI NACOR: Measure Review and Quality Improvement Action Plan – submit data to the Anesthesia Quality Institute’s National Anesthesia Clinical Outcomes Registry (AQI NACOR) to review data, track benchmarks and create and implement improvement plans based on NACOR feedback. How to Submit Data.

Points per hour: 1

Max points in 5 years: 25



Quality improvement plan to improve MOCA 2.0 compliance

  1. Select any individual plan, or email for help with enterprise subscriptions.
  2. Orbit CME automates MOCA CME compliance checking in a QI activity for your entire practice.

Learn More >

Points per hour: 1

Max points in 5 years: 25



Update in Anesthesiology, Pain, and Critical Care Medicine: Carolina Refresher Course

Points per hour: 1

Max points in 5 years: 10