Continue Certification

Status Designations

We routinely report through our website or by mail whether a physician is a candidate in the examination system or a diplomate. The Diplomate and Candidate Directory will display these status designations to the public and others interested in obtaining information about board-certified anesthesiologists.


Diplomate status is limited to the period of time the physician’s certification is valid.

We have the following diplomate status designations:

  1. Certified-Not Clinically Active: Physicians are considered not clinically active if they do not provide direct patient care in anesthesiology and/or any of its related subspecialties for at least one day per week, on average for 12 consecutive months or if the medical care has not taken place within the prior three years.
  2. Clinically Active: Physicians are considered clinically active if they provide direct patient care in anesthesiology and/or any of its related subspecialties for at least one day per week, on average for 12 consecutive months. This medical care must have taken place within the prior three years.
  3. Certified-Retired: Diplomate holds a valid ABA certificate, no longer is actively performing, teaching or supervising the practice of anesthesiology, and no longer has a professional responsibility to the specialty of anesthesiology.
  4. Retired: A Retired Diplomate no longer holds a valid ABA certificate, is no longer actively performing, teaching or supervising the practice of anesthesiology, and no longer has a professional responsibility to the specialty of anesthesiology.