August 21, 2020
Board moves to virtual administration of the APPLIED Exam in Spring of 2021
July 2, 2020
Webinar Recording: ABA APPLIED Exam Plans with ABA Secretary
Our plan for the 2021 APPLIED Exams
June 26, 2020
Our plan for the 2021 APPLIED Exams
Week 7.5 of the APPLIED Exam will proceed
June 4, 2020
Week 7.5 of the APPLIED Exam will proceed
Fellows and APPLIED Exams
May 15, 2020
Fellows and APPLIED Exams
APPLIED Exam Weeks 2-7 Cancelled, Trainees Will Not Be Adversely Impacted
March 17, 2020
APPLIED Exam Weeks 2-7 Cancelled, Trainees Will Not Be Adversely Impacted